The Week Thus Far

This week has been enlightening and fulfilling, despite it being only Wednesday.  Years ago I despised professional development for teachers.  In the environment in which I was employed the basic, “This is how to teach better” stuff didn’t begin to touch on the problems I was confronted with daily.  No one told us how to cope with a principal that didn’t believe you, students that accused you of racism and parents that told them such behavior was acceptable.  My current teaching position allows me a totally different view within the Montessori method and I love it.  My students tell me I’m “creative and pretty” and “one of their favorite teachers ever.”

Monday was a two hour staff development with Love and Logic professional Betsy Geddes Ph. Ed.  That two hours gave me more than an entire week of PD in another district.  I am incredibly thankful to Melissa and Mary for getting her for us.  Another teacher has been ill so I’ve covered his days and mine and I can’t say I mind.  The kids are great and I’m going to miss them this summer.

Tuesday Kaly and I went to Cane’s class at SBG.  After a stop at Whole Foods for my necessary banana and water, I arrived at class early.  Young Mena asked me to live roll with her and I accepted.  She is young but skilled and I always learn something when I roll with her.  The best part is she is so lighthearted and bright that she takes everything like water off a duck’s back.  We did three “rounds” and I held my own although she bested me, overall.  The first round she tapped.  The second I did.  The third one was a bit of a draw as we each got ourselves stuck and unwilling to give our position up. 
Kaly arrived and soon after Cane called class.  We worked his three skills of standing guard and I partnered with Kaly for the class.  I truly enjoy standing guard because it requires ability in posture and footwork.  As a dancer, these are skills I can easily remind myself to keep in place.  I despise closed guard the most because I lack the leg length and abdominal skills for successful technique.

In less than ten days Kaly and I will be with the Brown family for some Rocky Mountain sightseeing and food indulgence.  I can hardly wait!  Buffalo Bill, here I come!

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