The Week Thus Far

This week has been enlightening and fulfilling, despite it being only Wednesday.  Years ago I despised professional development for teachers.  In the environment in which I was employed the basic, “This is how to teach better” stuff didn’t begin to touch on the problems I was confronted with daily.  No one told us how to cope with a principal that didn’t believe you, students that accused you of racism and parents that told them such behavior was acceptable.  My current teaching position allows me a totally different view within the Montessori method and I love it.  My students tell me I’m “creative and pretty” and “one of their favorite teachers ever.”

Monday was a two hour staff development with Love and Logic professional Betsy Geddes Ph. Ed.  That two hours gave me more than an entire week of PD in another district.  I am incredibly thankful to Melissa and Mary for getting her for us.  Another teacher has been ill so I’ve covered his days and mine and I can’t say I mind.  The kids are great and I’m going to miss them this summer.

Tuesday Kaly and I went to Cane’s class at SBG.  After a stop at Whole Foods for my necessary banana and water, I arrived at class early.  Young Mena asked me to live roll with her and I accepted.  She is young but skilled and I always learn something when I roll with her.  The best part is she is so lighthearted and bright that she takes everything like water off a duck’s back.  We did three “rounds” and I held my own although she bested me, overall.  The first round she tapped.  The second I did.  The third one was a bit of a draw as we each got ourselves stuck and unwilling to give our position up. 
Kaly arrived and soon after Cane called class.  We worked his three skills of standing guard and I partnered with Kaly for the class.  I truly enjoy standing guard because it requires ability in posture and footwork.  As a dancer, these are skills I can easily remind myself to keep in place.  I despise closed guard the most because I lack the leg length and abdominal skills for successful technique.

In less than ten days Kaly and I will be with the Brown family for some Rocky Mountain sightseeing and food indulgence.  I can hardly wait!  Buffalo Bill, here I come!

Drifting Friendships

The Facebook app on my new Microsoft phone cycles my photos by threes so that I view a different set every so many hours.  There’s one that keeps popping up that makes me incredibly sad and contemplative.  It is of myself (pre-bangs) and two friends I met soon after arriving in Portland.  In the photo we look so fresh-faced, happy and close that it is hard to believe I never see or talk to them anymore.  With the exception of Facebook updates and likes I have no clue what is going on with them, nor do they with me. 

Our interests differ now but, essentially, we haven’t changed.  No fall-out occurred but we just don’t see each other like we used to.  ­When considering whether I’m to blame in these instances, I usually assume my Gemini nature had something to do with it.  Perhaps I didn’t age well or I just don’t fit with their scene.   It is hard to say, even for someone as intuitive as myself.  A psychic can’t always separate their insecurities from the truth.

Everyone has their insecurities regarding their looks, their background and their body.  As I look at that photo of three friends who drifted apart I wonder if it is merely a change in status that did it.  Did someone no longer feel they fit?  Did someone feel someone else didn’t fit?  Is a hectic schedule the simplest and truest answer?  Again, it is hard to say.  I know I feel I tried to make time to get together but perhaps they don’t feel I did.  Without an outsider’s view it is hard to know for sure.

I don’t discount the times with those friends as they fed my soul and surely those times fed theirs.  I just have to wonder who became too cool for whom?
I encourage my readers to contemplate their own drifted friendships.

I recently read an article about how social media is destroying genuine communication. It argued that people don’t try as hard to connect with a broader range of friends because of it. Many may feel that liking someone’s status or tagging them in a comic strip makes their connection continued and valued. What is your take on this mentality? Would you work harder at friendships if you couldn’t “like” a funny picture of their dog/kid/spouse?

Jiu Jitsu Resolutions and New Trails

In January, Laura and I urged listeners to follow through with the old New Year’s resolution scene to improve their health and well being.  My husband and I got a head start in September by joining a different kind of gym.  During a late night cruise on Groupon I came across a great deal; thirty fitness classes for twenty bucks.  My choices included dance, aerobics and martial arts.  The Nia dance studio was a bit too Portland for me and I have a general disgust for aerobics paired with top forty hits.  The jiu jitsu studio was located in the Hollywood district just moments from our house, bank, library and coffee shop.  I had recently had a lively discussion about Bujinkan with Tiffany Davidson, only to discover Portland’s training center to be too far off our beaten path.  Since taking Tae Kwon Do in middle school I had longed to get back into martial arts.  Life in rural America made it easier to partake in softball, dance and cheerleading. 
By 2007 Kaly and I had moved to North Carolina and my brother had gone off to college.  In North Carolina, fitness meant joining Curves or going ‘mudd’n.’  Back in Michigan my brother was going through a transformation due to Judo.  Not only was he taking Judo classes but he had fallen ass over tea kettle for the instructor’s daughter.
“Of all people, Adam?  The instructor’s daughter?” I said.
It worked out, though, and Kaly and I spent a Judo-filled night at her gym.  Being Irish, the Hawkins kids had always had a knack for carousing.  Our grandpa had done some boxing in Detroit after WWI.  The older two siblings were still beating on one another well into their forties.
“You guys knock it off!” Dad still has to say.
Kaly fit right in with the Hawkins family and our UFC parties.  He was Scaleychimp Champadeng and coach for TCC wrestling until 2007.  By 2012 we had been married a year, residing in Portland for three, and were looking for a change in our fitness practices.  A few days after purchasing the Groupon deal, Kaly and I were leaving Whole Foods with organic iced coffee (whatever that is) and were in search of an open sushi restaurant.  He headed towards NE 43rd Ave instead of NE Sandy and my eye caught on a red wall.
“Hey, that’s the gym on my Groupon offer.”
He grabbed my arm and marched us into the building.  Straight Blast Gym still defies definition even as I reflect on those first moments inside.  Photos of great fighters, the smell of late summer air moving through the open door and motivational images greeted us.  I had the feeling I had stumbled into one of those hero quest movies where the unassuming gets taken on an adventure.  I expected Mr. Miyagi or a Rocky look-alike to exit the inner office.  Instead, we met Zach.  Bearing a slight resemblance to our friend Thornbury, we liked him immediately.  Before I knew what hit me, Scaleychimp and I were signing on the dotted line.  What an adventure it became. 
Nearly seven months later we have been able to accredit SBG and ourselves with many changes.  Despite an unplanned arm surgery and bout with Noro-virus I’ve found a strength and drive I thought was gone with high school sports.  Kaly is on the mat again, not as a coach but as a participant.  We run together three times a week, which is a major milestone for me.  I’ve been known to say I wouldn’t run unless zombies were chasing me and I’d run out of ammo.  The example our coaches set for us is additional motivation to push ourselves in and out of the gym.
Even our communication has changed.  A few weeks ago I sat at Moon and Sixpence, pouring over Randy Couture’s book and asking Kaly questions about form and the history of wrestling.  We are starting to plan some summer hiking trips with friends and will use nearby Mt. Tabor for training.  It is not to say we haven’t had our pitfalls but we are doing more than we were a year ago.  I would like to say that work and household matters never get in the way but it just isn’t true.  When faced with going to the gym or chopping a fallen tree in the yard, a decision has to be made.  When a student’s parent is running an hour late you can’t say, “Sorry, gotta go.”  However, every day is an improvement and we’re thankful for the adventure and the people we’ve met.  If work runs late, I know I can still get to fundamentals for a serious workout.

Every day you can, do.  If you don’t, you won’t.
As Laura and I prepare to make changes to our site, I hope you’ll find the time to join us in assessing your own, “thus far.”  When you could, did you?  If not, how can you start?

Lover’s Special

Listeners to tomorrow’s radio show will know that sex is an important part of the week ahead.  SEX, SEX, SEX!  Do you have a question about the passionate relationship you’re in right now?  Do you wonder when you’re going to get sex?  Experiencing a dry spell or can’t get the gals off your phone?  Want to spice things up?  Want to knock someone up?
Contact me!  From the 11th to the 14th I’m offering a reading special.  Ask me about sex and love and I’ll give you fifteen dollars off a full email reading. 

A reading is 2-3 pages long and can be delivered via FB message, email, Skype or telephone.  In person readings are not part of the Valentine’s deal.

Blessed Imbolc

Imbolc is the day of St. Brighid and the halfway point between winter and spring.  The word derives from old Irish meaning “in the belly,” thus symbolizing that spring is growing closer even if we can’t see it yet.
While in Michigan I had great difficulty seeing and feeling this time of year as anything other than snow-filled.  Often, the last week of January brought a major snow storm, leading my dad out to plow the roads and leaving the rest of us home to conserve energy, burn the oil lamps, feed the animals and do puzzles.  In North Carolina it was a little easier to believe spring would arrive as the weather would shift and bring about the early signs of spring planting and planning.  Here in Portland the weather brings a few sunny, dry days to provide hope.
Also known as Candlemas, this is a time for lighting white and red candles and visualizing the flowers sprouting and growing strong in the hibernating soil below.  Spiritually, it is a time to visualize yourself getting rid of negative habits and building positive inspiration for the coming spring.  Relationships that begin at this time can turn into something greater and creative folks will feel the energetic boost Imbolc provides.  It is believed that St. Brighid blesses those who honor her spirit.  Ancients prayed to her or left offerings of salt, butter and clothing.  Christians and Pagans alike have paid homage to her at this time.  She is a truly beloved figure.
The Americanized Groundhog’s Day originates from the weather divination of the ancient Celts.  The following is a Scottish proverb for the day:
Thig an nathair as an toll
Là donn Brìde,
Ged robh trì troighean dhen t-sneachd
Air leac an làir.
“The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bríde,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground.”
Those of you with fireplaces or outdoor fire pits should chop and/or gather wood on February 1st to ensure your comfort for the rest of the winter.  Fire and poetry are two primary items of importance to Brighid.  I invite you today to light a red or white candle or a fire.  Take a seat and participate in your own creative art be it music, sewing, poetry or even cleaning.  This is a great time to begin some spring cleaning practices.

Last month I hosted a drawing for a free reading for those who provided me with testimonials.  The deadline was the 21st and I did the drawing after returning from the coast Sunday.  I am happy to announce that Kris won the free reading to be used any time in 2013.  Thank you to all who participated.

Laura and I have recently partnered with New Zealand’s Circle of Mediums at to bring our radio show to a wider audience.  We’ll be back on the waves live the second week of February.

Last month I invited prayer and healing energy be sent to a little girl named Addyson.  I am pleased to announced she had no serious brain trauma and will be a-ok with some physical therapy.  Thank you to all who helped.
May the month of February bring you light and love.
Ellen Ivy

A Moment to Help Another

January is a month of change, motivation and determination. I encourage you to stay dedicated to your resolutions and your health. I encourage you to work at your budget and financial issues.

However, this week I encourage you to step out of your own bubble and spend just a moment helping someone else. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale of the Power of Positive Thinking believed that our positive hopes for others made a difference. You don’t have to be one who prays to do this and you don’t have to subscribe to anyone’s religion. A thought is a deed and a positive thought is an aid. Take a moment to think a positive thought about someone who needs it. Not sure who or how? Try one of the examples I have below.

Robert Levinson, the retired FBI agent believed to be taken hostage by Iran: “May this man is reconnected to his wife and children.”

Addyson Misiolek and her parents, Alysha and Matt. Addyson is a beautiful little girl who is currently hospitalized for an uknown illness. Doctors have been running tests since the 10th. “May Addyson and her parents find peace and healing in their troubled time.”

The victims of Jimmy Savile: “May his victims find peace of mind in the truth and their ability to move forward.”

Feel free to comment below and add your own names of people who need healing. Many blessings on the weekend ahead.

A New Year, A New Look

Unless you’ve been living in an undecorated cave you know that the end of the Mayan calendar meant the end of an era.  With the turn to 2013 we are moving into a time of great change and shift.  Globally, our awareness will grow and both good and bad will be magnified.  Personally, all that we envision can be possible.

The power of positive thinking has never been more important than it is now.  All that we want can be ours if we start our positive changes in January of 2013.  Even those who don’t reach out for psychic guidance or astrological consultation feel the need to do so now.  Career changes, family, household construction, business partnerships, love, hobbies and creativity can all change for the better this year if the proper steps are taken.

Although we may spend the year watching natural and unnatural disasters unfold on the news stations, we do not have to feel so helpless within our own lives.  I encourage people to contact me or Laura for a reading or series of personal guidance consultations for the year.  I can be personally contacted at

We look forward to guiding you through the new year.

Hello world!

Work! Work! Work! It’s all I do.  🙂 Not really.  I also like to hike, write, dance and take road trips.  Contact me for all your psychic needs.